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RC Car Body Painting

Two RC Body Painting Services To Choose From

RCcarStars offers you two different RC body painting services to choose from to meet your body painting needs.   If you are looking for an Experienced Full-Time Professional RC Body Painting Service for specific racing colors and designs, then we would suggest you contact SKG Custom RC Painting. They are our "Official Body Painter" for those of you who have more complex, multi-color and design needs for your RC body.  If you are just looking for a paint job with one or two colors with a simple two-tone or paint-mask to be applied, RCcarStars can do that simple paint work in-house.

RCcarStars Simple Two Tone Painting Design
Simple Two Color Tamiya "Rattle Can" Paint Job (Green with Gold)

RCcarStars Simple Paint Jobs

SKG Custom Body Painting
SKG Custom RC Paint Job (Multi Colored with Designs)

SKG Custom RC Body Painting

​If you are in need of a simple 1 or 2 color paint job with no custom designs, RCcarStars can do this in-house.

RCcarStars In-House Pricing for Simple Paint Jobs:
  • $10 per/color listed below (Use Tamiya Color Chart)
  • $35 labor (Covers Paint Backing of White or Silver & Paint Materials)
  • If you want a certain paint-mask like flames, stars, etc. (you pay cost)
  • You can send us body or we can purchase, once funds are received
  • If we have your RC car, the reaming and trim work is included in cost
The main advantage to a "Simple In-House Paint Job, is the overall cost savings. This savings can be $40 or more when you factor in shipping and labor vs a custom painted RC body.  But at the end of the day, it will not be as detailed and will lack a sophisticated graphics design that a professional painter like SKG can deliver.  But for many of you who add decals and stickers or just like a simple clean looking RC body, "this service maybe just the right fit for you".​

RCcarStars has been working with SKG Custom RC Painting for over 3 years now and SKG has one of the best reputations in the business when it comes to "Quality, Value and Truth in Delivery Time".

So for those of you looking for a professional RC body painter for your more complex painting designs, we are happy to recommend "Steve Kovac" of SKG to perform your custom paint work.  Steve is a top-notch graphics painter and has been painting RC bodies for many top rc racers, bashers and scalers throughout Southern California and the USA.  SKG is also a proud sponsor of major events such as Pro-Line By The Fire, SoCal U4RC, Revelation Raceway, Thunder Alley Raceway and more.

Click the button below to view SKG's work and to contact them directly to get your own custom painted RC body.